Some accidents are good. Prior to my last complete kiln run, I found 3 orphaned leaves somewhere (on the floor, or maybe in an otherwise empty bushel basket in the shed--I can't remember). They were different from one another, and were not labeled in any way. This was from my 2018 grow. Being a charitable sort, I tossed them into a bag, and added that mystery batch to the kiln run. They came out about a week ago.
This morning, I saw them in their little bag, awaiting some disposition. One leaf looks like Corojo 99, one looks like Piloto Cubano, and the final one (a darker one) is anybody's guess. I frog-legged all three, and wrapped them in a double-binder of an undersized WLT Cameroon wrapper.
I'm smoking it as I type this. It lit well and burns well. Nicotine strength is mild to medium. It is as smooth as butter--real butter. It doesn't hold an ash very well, but who cares. I just tip it frequently so it doesn't end up on my keyboard--real keyboard.